Historical Perspective and Urban Design
Art 140 Art and Architecture of World Traditions: Asia, Africa, and the Americas
Art 221 Ancient Art
Art 222 Medieval Art
Art 234 Modern Art
Art 240 Japanese Art and Architecture
Art 242 Chinese Art and Architecture
VAST 234 Technology and the City
A&S 201 Culture and Environment
A&S 233 Anthropology of the City
Hist 252 Transformation of the American Environment
Hist 356 American Technological Development
PSTD Environmental Policy
EVST 220 People, Places and Environments in the Mid-Atlantic
Design Perspective
Art 105 New Media: Sculpture against a Digital Horizon
Art 107 Sculpture
Art 109 Drawing I
Art 110 Drawing II
Art 114 Beginning Painting
Art 215 Sculpture II
Art 206 Materials and Methods
Art 250 Art and Environment
EGRS 273 Architecture Theory and Practice
Engineering Perspective
EGRS 271 Introduction to Architectural Engineering
EGRS 480 Sustainable Solutions
ES 226 Statics
ES 230 Strength in Materials
ES 231 Nature of Engineering Materials
ES 232 Biomaterials Science
CE 271 Civil Engineering Land Development-Surveying
CE 311 Structural Analysis and Steel Design
CE 312 Theory of Indeterminate Structures
CE 313 Reinforced Concrete
CE 314 Structural Dynamics
CE 331 Civil Engineering Project Management
CE 411 Advanced Design: Steel Bridge
CE 415 Modern Steel Design Practice
CE 431 Construction Management
ME 372 Engineering Design Optimization
ME 374 Sustainable Building Design
ME 388 Sustainable Materials